Our Moto and Mission

Let Your Light Shine


PHILOSOPHY:- The aim and objectives of the school are to bring up its pupils spiritually - oriented, socially - concerned, nationally conscious, appreciative of our culture and traditions, emotionally - balanced, physically - fit and self disciplined. The learning of value education remains obligatory for all our students, since the formation of a sound moral character is the true test of a worthy education and hope of our nation. St. Mary’s Convent Senior Secondary School aims to be an institution that enables each student to achieve their potential within a learning environment that is safe positive, respectful, inclusive and welcoming.

The School Vision Statement

Providing holistic and equality education. To mould intellectually competent, morally upright, socially committed and spiritually inspired persons capable of building a more human social order within the context of the nation’s plurality of religious and diversity of culture.


To fulfill the vision, we

  • Provide an environment in which every student discovers and realizes his / her full potential.
  • Stress on English –oriented, science-based education with a blend of moral values.
  • Used technology in innovative and authentic ways to enhance learning and communication.
  • Provide well balanced co-curricular activities and community service programmes.
Our Shared Values Are
  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Responsibility
  • Discipline
  • Achievement